Sunday, March 14, 2010

The headstock part 2

This post with show the final few steps I took to finish the headstock of the guitar. First the ramps at the bottom of the slots were cut with a small handsaw and a chisel. In the photo you can see a small sanding stick that I used to do the final finish along with a metal file.
To finish the top of the slots, which are semi-circular I had to improvise a little. I made a small sanding drum from some steel rod and adhesive sandpaper in my drill press. In the photo you can see the dust layers left on the paper with the ebony on top and the mahogany on the bottom.

Here is the back of the headstock in its final state.
And the front. The ebony is very dense and hard so it can be worked to a very smooth finish with just sandpaper. You can also see the finished outline of the top here, which was completed with files and sanding sticks.

Here is the completed headstock with the tuners in place. That's it for the top of the neck, next will be the heel at the other end.

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